Current Project / Právě probíhající akce: THE CZECH FEW

Raising funds by a sponsored paddle for Czech ex-RAF veterans /
Shromažďujeme pomocí sponzorovaného sjezdu sbírku pro veterány RAF

Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Thursday 21 May


Nearly there! A very comfortable night in a campsite close to Prague. The manager is a charming former colonel who retired from the Czech armed forces in 1993. He was extremely helpful and I certainly made welcome use of the campsite's excellent hot shower. Set off early and walked round the Vrane dam. This dam was even more amusing as a swan had taken up residence at the exit slipway from the river. It was guarding its mate who was on the nest with a cygnet. After the usual huffing and puffing (from the swan) it let me past. Another dam on the outskirts of Prague required another walk however this time I was assisted by Jiri from Slovakia who was out for a bike ride. As luck would have it he is also a very keen kayaker.
Then the last push for Branik where I stored the kayak ready for the official finish on Friday.

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