Current Project / Právě probíhající akce: THE CZECH FEW

Raising funds by a sponsored paddle for Czech ex-RAF veterans /
Shromažďujeme pomocí sponzorovaného sjezdu sbírku pro veterány RAF

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Under a week to go before the launch of the 300 KM paddle from Nova Pec to Charles Bridge in support of the Czech ex RAF Veterans. The paddle starts on Friday 8 May and finishes at 1100 on Friday 22 May at Charles Bridge in Prague. Preparations are nearly complete, with today seeing the finalising of the maps that will be needed and lots of little bags of food being gathered together so that the trip will also be a culinary feast. If this fails to happen when they are extracted from the depths of the kayak then no doubt the facilities of the odd Czech water-side hostelry will be used!

The project is now an officially registered UK company which goes by the name of THE CZECH FEW LIMITED. We have applied for charity status from the UK Charity Commissioners but the bureaucracy drags on and we still await the registration number. The good news is that those who donate to the project will be able to claim a tax refund on the donation whether they are UK or Czech based. A UK bank account specifically for the project has been opened and a Czech account will be opened next week. Full details of the Charity registration and the account numbers will be published as soon as we get them.

For those who have forgotten why we are doing this, I should just like to remind you of the brave Czech airmen who came to Great Britain at the start of the Second World War to fight as members of the RAF. On return to the Czech Republic and during the communist regime they were persecuted and imprisoned. Although their conditions improved after 1989 they are still not adequately compensated for their sacrifice. The Czech Defence Ministry pays pensions to some but not all of the Veterans and the RAF Benevelont Fund contributes significant money every year to support the Veterans. The State clearly can not do every thing and charitable efforts like this one attempt to close the gap. In the UK we have a profusion of charities through which the public can support their veterans. This is not the case in the Czech Republic where the old mind set is understandably taking time to wither and die. A number of Czech firms and individuals have however been extremely helpful and generous. Interlink cs, TNP Laminex, HG Sports to name but three.

You may also ask how the money will be used? In essence three Trustees will control the dispersal of funds for veteran charitable purposes. This is required by the relevant Charity Laws. However a veteran in need will, as is currently the case, seek support from the UK Defence Attache in Prague. He will then decide whether the case can be answered by the RAF Benevolnet Fund or whether it is a cause for immediate support from THE CZECH FEW LIMITED. If it is, the case will be presented to the three Trustess who will authorise payment.

During the trip I will make a report every night at about 1800 which will then be put on this blog by the support team- Jerry Hermansky and Petra Mohylova. As the Vltava flows North I should not get lost however the planned daily progress might be affected by the weather and my ablitity to leave a warm sleeping bag in the morning! A route plan will be added to the blog soon for any Czech paddlers who would like to join the cavalcade traveling North. You will be very welcome.

It would be worth calling Petra on 00420603254728/email and she should know the state of progress.

Finally we should like to thank all our family, friends and kayak shop owners who have given their advice and listened to the endless yaking stories over the last few months. Your patience has been admirable!

Now off to IDET, the Czech Defence Equipment exhibition to seek more pledges for this hugely worthwhile project.


Girl in Czechland said...

Wow, I'm really impressed by this. Raising money for the Czech airmen who fought in Britain during the war is certainly a very worthy cause. Very good luck to you all!

Girl in Czechland said...

How can we donate money BTW?

Petra Mohylová said...

Hey Girl in Czechland,
thanks a lot for your support. The question about donating the money is what keeps me awake these days - we are still working on it. We applied for the charity status in the UK ages ago and hopefully it should be coming any day now - unfortunately it is crucial if we want to collect the money and keep the tax people pacified:).
It is absolutely terrific that you like the cause, so, PLEASE, keep tuned in. We will try to get this crucial info out the moment we have it.
P.S.: I really LIKE your blog!